Sunday, May 17, 2009

I is excited...

...about two things.

The first, I picked up a KATANA at a garage sale up at a garage sale for 10 buck, along with some nunchuks (which can really hurt).

And the second, something has clicked with Construct (with platformers at least) and I'm speeding through Delve (working title) which is a platformer about the child-like joy of exploration. It'll feature water physics, some regular physics, and some other stuff of the like.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Indie goodness!

Woo, working on 5 games at once, they are, in order of size:

Arsenic Cookies

Nuke: World Under Siege

A Zombie RPG

A playground exploration game

Don't Step on the Bug

I'm gonna post more info and screens/mockups soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hello World...

++++++++++        initializes cell zero to 10
] this loop sets the next four cells to 70/100/30/10
>++. print 'H'
>+. print 'e'
+++++++. 'l'
. 'l'
+++. 'o'
>++. space
<<+++++++++++++++. 'W'
>. 'o'
+++. 'r'
------. 'l'
--------. 'd'
>+. '!'
>. newline